The Last Witch Hunter Wikia
Belial pyrokinesis

Elemental Magic is magic utilizing the five elements- Earth, air, fire, water and spirit. According to Kaulder, Elemental Magic is neutral.


The Five Elements[]

Witches derive their power from fire (pyyro), the cleansing heat of cinder and flame; water (edor), the faithful rhythms of river and wave; air (anemos), the invisible currents lacing the sky; and earth (yi-theos), the bones and soil on which we walk, and where we rest in death. Elements in their natural state are neither good nor evil, but the witches invest them with sinister power and they become tools of the coven.

The fifth element is spirit, called aethir in the coven’s ancient tongue. Aethir has the power to defy the limits of space and time, and tear the soul from the body. Aethir spells are forbidden by the Witch Council, as they enable feats of clairvoyance, dreamwalking, astral travel and telepathic attacks on the mortal mind. Aethir is the most feared element of the five, even among witches themselves. The wraiths who stalk the shadow realm always do a spirit witch’s bidding. Few witches know the formulas for aethir potions, which are committed only to memory. With supreme mastery of Aethir, certain spells don't require any potions.



The Pentagram[]

The pentagram was a mystical force for centuries before man or witch understood its power. Five straight strokes compose a five-pointed star. Each point concentrates the energies of one element; the unbroken line represents the link between them. The witch’s pentagram need not appear inverted to signal that evil is near.

Natural Disasters and Elemental Magic[]

A few natural disasters are of natural origin. The covens are history’s invisible butchers, using the elements to wipe mankind from the earth. The Black Death spread across Europe on witch-fanned winds. The Antioch earthquake—from which Grosette emerged to lead the Axe + Cross—was a witch-made manipulation of earth. The Great Chicago Fire in 1871 is the most recent mass slaughter. Accounts describe pillars of fire the color of brown blood climbing apartment walls before consuming the city.
